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IELR 4.1 pre-publication event: Lootboxes

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The issue of monetization mechanisms (such as lootboxes) has highlighted the industry's week spots with regards to self-regulation. The existence of a direct link between these practices and gambling has been heavily debated and the outcome of the analysis will most likely depend on the nature of the monetization mechanism and jurisdiction-specific approach to gambling. 

We have dedicated the entire upcoming 4.1 issue of IELR to capture a snapshot of the ongoing debate, including different approaches, perspectives, and voices.  

We are also launching a new feature for readers of IELR – an advance access provision. Every issue will now enable subscribers to access one article prior to the release of the entire issue and engage in a discussion with the authors. 

For the 4.1 issue, we selected 'Getting under your skin(s): a legal-ethical exploration of Fortnite's transformation into a content delivery platform and its manipulative potential', by Marjin Sax (University of Amsterdam) and Jef Ausloos (KU Leuven). The article is available here: https://www.elgaronline.com/issue/IELR/v/aop. The pre-publication event will be held on the 21st of April, 17.00 UK time, as a Zoom webinar.  

Please register here: https://qmul-ac-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-9kPUSgRQE-QfIh8-RJqsA. You will notice the option to share your comments, questions, and thoughts about the article with the panel, which we will address during the webinar. 

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