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Engagement opportunities for brands with video games & esports

The video game industry is growing exponentially with new technologies, new platforms, new players, and new opportunities for brands. Esports is leading the way with its unique blend of consumer engagement and entertainment.

As the video games industry continues to grow, a plethora of new market opportunities are appearing. These include new console platforms, esports, streaming services, and the cloud to name but a few.

At the centre of this revolution is the enormous innovation in the delivery and promotion of digital content and the industry's drive to engage with its community of loyal players.

Ukie has organised two events to help games businesses and brands understand the opportunities that are available in this space. 

Engagement opportunities for brands with video games

Speakers at this event will share their insights into the opportunities for brands and partners to engage with the huge and ever-growing audience of video games. 

Date: 27th April

Time: 4:30pm - 6:00pm

Engagement opportunities for brands with esports

This event will shine a light on esports and the opportunities that exist for brands to reach this affluent and committed audience.

Hear from leading esports businesses and the brands that have already moved into this sector, and identify where the future opportunities exist for your business.

Date: 04th May

Time: 4:30pm - 6:00pm